Sunday, 06-May 2012 @ 8:45 pm

Well - what a day!!!   Our little Cafe Bonjour has been  really full on for the two of us. 

For two ((slightly over???)) middle aged hippies, we are doing okay????  Our Coffee machine has made our cappucinno skills look effortless, and our new toasters, grillers and other bits of high-tech 'stuff' have worked their magical ways with us and created a picture of "I can do this without any help from an adult">>>>>>????

For the uninitiated - "Him" and "Me" are now fully fledged Cafe-ists, and would love to see you out at our Gallery/Cafe.............  Hope Island Village.

Every Sat/Sun from 9am till 3.30 pm............ Coffee, Cake and Home Cooked Meals........... you know you want to be there................. xxx


Tuesday, 01-May 2012 @ 7:30 pm
The First of May............

Already it is the First Day of May.........

Some of you will now know that we have taken on the little Cafe opposite our Gallery in the Hope Island Village.  

PLease do come visit us -

Saturdays and Sundays - 9 am till 3.30pm......

Cappucino $3.00 - and it goooood !!!!

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