Wednesday, 06-Sep 2017 @ 3:23 pm

Dragonship is the most powerful of all the useless flying battleships on Planet Bickering.

It stands with pride in any procession of power.  However, that is all it can do - it just stands!  It will never fly, as it is far too heavy.

Size: 22cm x 23cm x 10 cm

Weight: 1.5 kg

Iron base, crystal glass, Pyrite clusters and found-objects.

(Background artwork: The Messenger)

Wednesday, 06-Sep 2017 @ 1:35 pm
Still happily trading at Carrara Market.

We are still happily trading away at Carrara Markets.........................

 Rainer has been busy creating some new masterpieces, both on canvas, and with his true passion - assemblage art..... steampunk inspired sculptures. 

Carol too has been busy.  With  Winter being just a distant memory, now that Spring has sprung (here on the Gold Coast), Carol is launching her new collection - "Heirloom Skirts"  These are exquisite hand-made skirts, embellished with vintage laces and doillies.  Truly beautiful.

Do call in to see us - Shop 50, in the Big Shed (just down from the Fruit Shops) - at Carrara Markets.  Every Sat/Sunday from 7.30 am till 3.00 pm.

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