Sunday, 24-Jun 2012 @ 8:03 pm
What a Day!!!

Wow!!!  What a day...........

Today we had a complete (well almost!!!) sell-out in the Gallery. ........................To the lovely lady (and you know who you are xxx) thank you so much.  We know that these precious artworks are going to a very good home and a very good cause.  Thank you so much.

CAFE BONJOUR has also taken an upwards turn.   It is truly incredible how this silly little "Hobby-Cafe" of our has taken off.   We have been having some fabulous tables-full of the most wonderful and interesting folk.   We love you all - thank you so very, very much for your support.

PLease join us on FACEBOOK.... we have a Group Page.............  CafeBonjour............. join us, interact with us, we'd love to hear from you........

Monday, 11-Jun 2012 @ 5:33 pm
Queen's Birthday weekend

Well how has this year flown!!!   Here it is already Queen's Birthday weekend (here in Oz), which means that the year is almost halfway gone.  How scarry.

Kozik Art and Cafe Bonjour are both rocking along nicely though.  Coffee and Art - such a great marriage.

At the moment Rainer is working on some more Dragon paintings, and I (Carol-Anne) am totally engrossed in knitting away for the winter.  I have finished some lovely knitted floral neck-laces, and am slowly working away at one of my multi=coloured jackets.  This one is knitted all in one piece, so it is quite a slow process, and very heavy for me to handle, but I am a Capricorn - which means I am tenaciously stubborn, and will never give up....... so watch this space for news of the completion.

Remember, for those of you here on the Gold Coast, we are open every weekend at the Gallery and Cafe Bonjour, so please do call in - browse about at the artworks and call into the Cafe for a coffee and something yummy.

See you there........

Marina Quays Shopping Village, Hope Island.

Shops 255-256 (Gallery), and Shops 252-253 (Cafe Bonjour).

9 am till 3.30 pm every Saturday and Sunday.


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