Saturday, 08-Jul 2017 @ 7:57 pm
Had a great day at Carrara Markets today

Another great day today of meeting some wonderful like-minded people.  It is always fabulous when two minds meet and engage in mutual respect.  

We are into our 3rd weekend in our little weekend Market shop (Simply Original - in the Big Shed at Carrara Markets)   We weren't quite sure if this was going to be a good thing or not for us.  A Market is really not the place one would usually find Fine Artworks - but after soldiering on through road closures and other such distractions, we are determined to 'keep-on keeping-on' with our venture.   As they say - 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'..... so with this thought in mind, we are going to see if we can swim along through  the tide of unrest, and offer our artworks to the world (or at least to the Gold Coast for now).

Come and see us - every Saturday and Sunday (for the rest of July) - in the Big Shed, at Carrara Markets......  

Saturday, 08-Jul 2017 @ 6:04 am
Winter Beanies now available

Just finished a small range of  hand knitted beanies.

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