Thursday, 24-Mar 2022 @ 5:46 pm
Been a while since my last post

Well it surely has been a while since my last post here.  However, us Koziks  are slowly coming back into reality since the dramas of the last couple of years, including a world-wide shut down/pandemic, and now a looming world war (hopefully not!), as well as a couple of  personal health issues  (Rainer's cancer and subsequent treatment being our most pressing issue for most of this time). 

Anyways, we are soldiering on, and life is slowly coming back to (our new) normal, so onwards is the only way.

With this mindset, we are beginning to get our creative juices flowing again, and are starting to get back into productivity.

Not sure how and where to market our artworks from and/or to whom, but I guess once an Artist, always an Artist, so we will just create and create, and hopefully along the way one or two of our works will be appreciated and "adopted/rehomed" along the way.

I shall leave you with one of Rainer's beautiful artworks (still available) - The Gondwana Brother's Flying Circus

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