Saturday, 24-Jun 2017 @ 6:49 pm
First Day of Trade in our New Emporium

Today was our first day back in the saddle (so to speak).  It was truly wonderful to be in contact with like-minded people once again.

It has been a long haul setting up our little Emporium - but now that we have it finalized (although there will always be an adjustment here or there along the way), we are hoping to settle in for a long stay.

Today was good.  Thank you to all you wonderful folk that called in to see us - you are all fabulous.

Saturday, 24-Jun 2017 @ 11:53 am
New shop address...

We are now trading at  Carrara Markets.  In the Big Shed, just down from the Fruit Shop and before the Bacon and Eggs emporiums. 

Saturday, 24-Jun 2017 @ 11:51 am
New shop address...

We are now trading at  Carrara Markets.  In the Big Shed, just down from the Fruit Shop and before the Bacon and Eggs empioriums. 

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